JFK Assassination: Was it an Inside Job?

JFK Assassination: Was it an Inside Job?

In this Abraham Bolden interview with Patrick Bet-David, they sit and chat about what it was like to be the first African American secret service agent appointed by John F. Kennedy and whether the JFK assassination was an inside job or not? Subscribe for more awesome interviews – http://bit.ly/2aPEwD4

About Abraham Bolden:

Abraham W. Bolden (born January 19, 1935) is an American former United States Secret Service agent – the first African-American Secret Service agent assigned to the Presidential Protective Division, appointed by John F. Kennedy in 1961. Bolden was fired from the Secret Service after he was charged in 1964 with accepting a bribe in relation to a counterfeiting case he was involved with. He was ultimately sentenced to six years in prison.

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Founded in 2012 by Patrick Bet-David, our goal is to impact entrepreneurs around the world through value and entertainment. We are the #1 channel for entrepreneurs because of the best interviews, best how to videos, best case studies and because we defend capitalism and educate entrepreneurs.

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