How to Build a Dream Team
The definition of genius is when somebody can take something very complex, and make it seem so easy and simple to where everybody says, “I cannot believe how this guy, or this girl does what they do!” And the reason why they’re able to do what they do is because they’re very good at building a dream team that sometimes you don’t get to see.
So depending on your vision and how big of a vision you have in your life, you need to learn how to put a dream team together. Anybody that ever did it in business, in sports, in Hollywood, anybody, anybody who did anything at the high scale, they know how to put a dream team together.
Now I’ve got fourteen points I want to cover with you.
But before we get into the fourteen points, there’s one thing that I want to address, that I look at right off the bat before I even think about putting a dream team together. So here’s the first thing. As you’re hiring people, as you’re recruiting people, as you’re putting people around the team to do something big for yourself, you need to know almost everybody you recruit or you hire falls under one of four categories.
This is the lowest level; these are people that doubt everything.
You may say, “Guys, we want to go out there and build a company that’s going to do XYZ.” “Hey, we’re going to build an agency that’s going to do such and such.” And you cast your vision. When you cast your vision, there’s gonna be a few different ways people respond. One of them is what? “There’s no way in the world we can do this. I like it, I like what we’re seeing, but there’s no way in the world that this can get done.” Right? That’s a doubter. The doubter doubts everything.
They’re not negative, they just don’t believe because they’re pessimistic. It’s like, “I don’t know if we can do this, it’s going to be hard, what if this happens, what if that happens.” It’s a little higher level than a doubter, but it’s still a non-believer.
Somebody that believes that we can actually do this.
True believers.
And by the way, the true believer, you don’t just recruit somebody right off the bat and they become a true believer. You typically recruit and invite somebody to your company and your business and your vision because they say, “I kinda believe what this guy has to say.” So they’re believers and then you start figuring out if this person can be a true believer or if they’re just going to stay as a believer.
But I can tell you one thing for a fact, these two? They’re not people you can build a dream team around. You need these two to build a dream team around. So that’s the first thing to be thinking about.
#1. No matter what you do, the key is always recruit and hire opposing strengths of what you’re doing.
So for instance, I think a lot of time, opposing strength, we only think about a skill set, but I think it’s really two different things about opposing strengths. One is skill set, the other is personality. So if you think about skill set, you could be doing a company that somebody needs to learn coding, accounting, appliance, legal, sales … All this other stuff, right? And that’s great, that’s skill. But you also need different personalities to put a dream team together because there’s gotta be a complementing of each other on the personalities.
You’re dealing with four personalities.
S is structure, T is technical, A is action, R is relationship. I’ve done a video on this, the four personality types. I have a whole, I think, 20-page pdf you can download.
The 4 personalities:
Somebody that you have in your company so that everything is organized. It’s always on time, everything is solid. You go into their desk, it’s fully organized.
Technical guys,
They think what if this test takes place, what if that happens, what if this happens, what if this, well the expenses would be this much, and what if these guys come through, and what if we can strategize a technical … They’re thinking a complete different way.
Someone that’s just like, “We need to do this, let me give them a call right now. Let me go meet with them right now. I’m gonna go on a flight right now, I’m gonna go set up a town with them right now, let me get to work and see what I can do, let me make a few phone calls.” That’s the action type.
These two guys aren’t necessarily the action types.
That’s the person that says, “Hey John, how you doing, man? How’s everything? How’s the family? Guys, let’s work as a team, let’s come together.” It’s a synergist. You feel when you’re around a relationship type of a person on a team, every team needs an R. Typically, they’re not considered as … Some people say, “Oh my gosh, we just need to get to work.” But when tough times come on a team (in a business, that’s gonna happen), they definitely keep everybody together.
So you need a little bit of everything. So just think about what you are and go recruit your opposing skills and your opposing personality that you’re not.
#2.Watch who responds to the vision and who responds to the money.
Let me elaborate. So, when I started a business, and every time, since I was a young kid, I would always be casting a vision of what we could do. “What if we can collect ten thousand beer bottles here and we can get a Super Nintendo and we can do this?” And “Oh my gosh, that would be great” and “Oh come on”, and I was in Madrid and the girl I stayed with at the refugee camp, she says, “I remember, you put all of us to work and we were all collecting beer bottles and we had this vision that we were going to be the only ones at refugee camp to have a Super Nintendo.” And then boom, they bought into that, that we’re going to spend time and have some fun, they bought into a vision, right?
So you cast the vision over and over and over. I can tell you if you ask any of my employees or staff or sales or partners or vendors or anybody, if they worked with me for more than five years, you ask them, How many times has Pat cast a vision of where the company is going? They would probably tell you, I don’t know, the people closest to me would tell you a couple thousand times. I’m always casting. Always casting. Because I’m simply watching on who’s buying into the vision. Always. I’m always casting to see who is buying into the vision. And I’m always casting to see what the person’s going to say, how much money I’m gonna make.
If it’s money first, I know exactly where their position’s going to be. It’s like a guy playing in the league that just wants to take contracts to get money, could care less about a ring, and “We’re the Yankees, we’re the Lakers, we’re the Celtics … If we don’t win a championship, listen man, it’s a disappointing year. Not even if we make it to the play-offs, right?” So you gotta know that part on who you’re drawing in and studying everybody and how they respond to you selling the vision.
#3. Hire two at a time.
I like to hire two at a time. Why do I hire two at a time? I hire two accountants at a time, okay? I hire two assistants at a time. Everything I hire, two at a time. And within 90 days, one of two things happens. Within 90 days, either one realizes the other is better, and this one leaves, or the second thing that happens, they both make so much value to the company or the brand or whatever I’m doing, that they make the money back based the effort they’re putting, I keep both of them. But I like to hire two at a time.
When you’re building a dream team, you can’t just have one option. If you only have one option, then you’re putting all your chips just on this one person. If this fails, you don’t have another thing to go back to. Like there’s gotta be an injury reserve, you got some people that can come off the bench that can do the work, and you’re really looking to see who wants it more than the other person does, and you’re always watching everybody like a hawk. Okay? So we hire two at a time.
#4. Don’t settle.
I remember I hired one time a guy who was an executive in the industry, had a very, very solid reputation, his resume was insane of a resume. All he ever talked about was money. He never bought into the vision. ‘Kay? And I tried to force it to make it work so many times myself, it was my mistake. Not his mistake. It’s a hundred percent my mistake. Because I thought having somebody from the industry with a nice credibility in the background whether he believes in it or not is something I should just have because of his resume, absolute flop. Didn’t work. Okay? Didn’t work. I tried to force that to work.
#5. constantly raise your standards.
One day, when I’m working with this guy, I get off the phone, I say, “How many more flippin’ times do I need to have a conversation with this guy about this? I feel like I have to save this guy every day from keeping a positive attitude.” He was just losing his cool with everybody, all this other stuff. I said, “You know what, Pat? Stop it. What are your standards?” Grabbed a sheet a paper and I started writing it.
Who do you want to be in this position with what attitude and what skill set and what effort, I wrote it down. Does he need it? No. Stop settling, standards, boom. Have a conversation with him, fired, gone, we erased it, we moved on. Position was fired, we took a 60-day hit, we moved on, we found somebody, we’re doing good, everything was great because I chose to raise the standards.
I think sometimes, remember, I’m not saying how to build a team. How to build a dream team, not a team. If you’re trying to build a dream team, you must constantly raise the standard. And every single time, you raise the standard, remember, I did this video the other day, every single time you raise the standard in your family, your business life, in anything, in any team, you’re gonna have some people that are not going to be happy about it.
So constantly raise your standards, enough people will rise up. And by the way, seven out of ten cases, you will be surprised on who rises up to the occasion of the new standards versus who backs out. Sometimes the most talented guys go “Ooh, this is too much pressure. I’ve been able to get away with my whole talent this entire time, this is actually legitimate standard, and I don’t know if I can hang on against the other guy, let me bail.” And they either bail, or they realize they’re not the chief, there’s somebody new that’s going to be leading them and that position takes places and it’s obvious to everybody. But regardless, this helps you get over here.
#6. number six: values and principles.
You’re building a dream team, you constantly have to talk about values and principles. What am I talking about with values and principles? Hard work, take care of your health, treat people right, say please/thank you, request, what are your thoughts on this, certain values and principles of your team. Stealing, cheating, lying, not being afraid of telling the truth, character … These things, I had a sheet of 41 points that I trained on every 90 days for 10 years. Every 90 days, these 41 points were trained, every 90 days. Why?
Values and principles are the backbone of a dream team, period. Because everybody starts with, “Hey, that’s not how we do things here. No, that’s not how we do things here. That’s not how we do things here.” I no longer need to talk about values and principles because it’s now in everybody’s blood. Everybody has it now. We’re building a dream team based on our values and principles.
#7. Don’t compromise the big.
Sometimes people lower the standards and they settle because the compromise the big. Do not compromise the big. I had a conversation with a husband and wife a couple days ago and they were calling me, we had a conversation for twenty, thirty minutes and they were stressing.
I said, “Wait a minute, let me do the math here on what you’re really worried about.” I said, “So you’re worried about this number here?”
I said, “How much money is this from January 1 til today?”
“1500 bucks.”
I said, “How many weeks have we had from January 1 til today?”
“18 weeks.”
“What’s 1500 divided by 18 weeks?”
“80 dollars.”
“Are you really trying to tell me you’re worried on 80 dollar a week check is what’s stressing you out when you got a 20 thousand dollar check waiting for you?” I said, “Stop compromising the big and focus on the big. This is costing you millions by doing that.”
Okay? Sometimes if you truly want to build a dream team, you cannot compromise the big. It’s always here, not here. You’re focused here.
#8. Watch who’s a longterm thinker, who’s a short-term thinker.
Always watch a longterm thinker, short-term thinker. What’s the difference? Short-term thinker, they’re filling up their resume. “I worked with this guy.” We had a guy that just came here one time as an assistant kid, like an 18, 19 year old kid, and he left and said, “Honestly, I just wanted to be able to say that I worked for Valuetainment and I worked directly with you for a 90 day period.” And I’m like, okay, aight, cool, no problem. Young kid, they did fine, we’re totally fine with that, but that’s a short-term thinker.
Longterm thinking to build this dream team, you need a longterm thinker supporting cast. Everything’s gotta be bought into the longterm vision.
#9. Constantly test until you trust them.
So watch how they handle crisis. I love testing people. I love testing the team. I love testing the people I work with. I just watch to see how they handle it. How they step up, how they rise up. Do they get ticked off? Do they kinda get to themselves? Do they all of a sudden go in the corner and stuff and don’t even want to deal with it? Because I realize how they handle crisis? And listen, you ain’t gonna build this without having a lot of crisis. This dream team requires a ton of crisis, and if you cannot have people that handle crisis, you’re gonna have a very big problem trying to build this dream team together.
So I test people by giving them challenges, calling them out, saying certain things, and I see who responds, who doesn’t respond, and kinda realize, well this person’s a lot tougher than I thought, he was or she was. Okay, this person may be here instead of here. And that person that’s here maybe is really here because this person is showing a lot more heart. So test people, don’t be afraid of doing that.
#11. Constantly ask how they would handle the crisis.
What do you think? How would you do this? What would you do in this situation? How would you handle a situation like this? I’m doing it for a couple different reasons, let me tell you why I’m doing this. One, I really want to know because I’m not seeing everything, so I love to see what other people will give me a point of view on a certain situation or crisis that we’re dealing with. Second, I want them to know that I value their opinion and I respect their opinion. Three, this is one more than a couple, the third one is I’m trying to see how they would handle a situation like this truly crisis-wise on their own if they were to make the decision without me being here, how would they have handled this. So I’m always watching for that when I ask them how they would handle it.
#12. I always have a call out environment.
We’re building a dream team, I’m not going to call out everybody, I’m not going to challenge everybody, I’m not going to push everybody. A dream team means everybody can call out everybody. If Bob is disappointed with Jack coming late, Bob, call him out, you have my permission. Call out. If Larry is disappointed with this guy not hitting his deadline, don’t come to me and say, Pat, Joey didn’t hit his deadline. You’re not six years old and he’s not five years old. You’re an adult, he’s an adult, call him out. And you can say, “Hey, Pat, I called him out.” No problem, I’m totally fine with that. A call out environment is a requirement if you plan on having a dream team.
#13. paint a picture on who they could be on this vision.
Okay? Paint a picture. And for me, you know, I look at somebody, I work with them, and then all of a sudden, I’m like, wait a minute, this person could totally end up one day being a president of this thing and running the entire revenue of this company or having a whole department to themselves. This is a big opportunity and they’re a very important role in the company. Let me tell them about it, “Hey, John, let me tell you what you could be.”
Paint a picture on who they could be. Constantly paint the picture. I think so many times, we’re focused here on painting the picture for us, which is still necessary because you need the juice and the power to keep going, but you gotta paint the picture here, they’ll give you a lot more juice and power than you can create on your own, as long as you’re going out here and saying, “Listen, this is what we can do, and I think during the part of us doing this, you could end up being this person in the company if you do XYZ.”
Last one, which everything I told you today doesn’t work unless you don’t do number fourteen, very … None of this stuff that I told you is effective or is even relevant unless you’re all in.
#14. You must be all in.
If the leader in charge ain’t all in, these guys going to go find somebody else who is all in.
And believe me, they’re going to find those people. Believers always have a place. Always have a place. Believers don’t care about their resumes, do you know why? Because the market’s always looking for them. Always looking for them.
And if you’re somebody that’s all in and you start finding believers, you start turning them into true believers, and you start following some of these 13 point that I’m covering with you, a year, two years, three years, five years, ten years, you’re gonna look around, you’re gonna say, “Oh my gosh, this is crazy.” And everyone’s calling you genius and you know you’re not a genius, you just were able to put a dream team together that got your business, your team, your company, whatever that you’re doing, to get to levels that others can’t get to.
Valuetainment Posting Schedule:
Monday- Motivation for Entrepreneurs
Tuesday- How to Video with Patrick Bet-David
Wednesday- Life of an entrepreneur vlog
Thursday- How to Video with Patrick Bet-David
Friday- Case Studies with Biz Doc Tom Ellsworth
About Valuetainment: This channel is about providing a hybrid of information and education for entrepreneurs. Every video is created with a purpose of providing value and entertainment, hence Valuetainment.
Patrick Bet-David, the creator of this channel has decades of experience, unique perspectives and experience that he wants to give back to the world of entrepreneurs. Why? Patrick Believes that 100 percent of the worlds problems can be solved by entrepreneurs. He is also an active CEO and leads a financial services sales force of over 3,000 agents across the U.S.
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