Who Can Beat Trump In 2020 Election?
With the U.S. presidential elections around the corner a lot of people are asking me, “Pat, who do you think is going to be the democratic nominee to face of Trump?” Today I’m going to share with you my thoughts on the topic. We are going to look at the history going back the last 100 years looking at the electoral scores, what presidents and parties won each election.
We’ll look at the different geopolitical issues that will affect the 2020 debates and finally I will share with you the 10 points I would focus on in order to win the 2020 presidential election if I were a campaign manager.
Let’s get right into it and look at the elections going back 100 years:
5 Key Geopolitical Trends for the 2020 Elections:
1. Power Plays There are many countries that are trying to gain the title of the most powerful country in the world whether it is through 5G, AI, sanctions or trade wars.
2. Global Economic Risk There are a lot of things going on in the market that can play a role on the next market crash. We currently have Brexit going on in Europe, conflicts with Iran and trade wards with China.
3. Saudi Stressors and Global Energy Markets There is uncertainty within the energy markets after the attack on the Saudi Arabian oil supply.
4. Eventful Year for Latin America Latin America has had an eventful year that will play a role in the election. Mexico and Brazil both have new presidents that are going to challenge the US relations in different ways. The Venezuela crisis is still going on.
5. Pending War With all these stressors the worst-case scenarios could lead to wars being fought. More domestic issues include Immigration, College Debt, Medicare, Green New Deal, Marijuana Legalization, Universal Basic Income, Criminal Justice, Cyber Security, the Electoral College, Gun control and the Military.
Impact on 2020 Elections:
1. Match Up The match up between candidates is important, it’s not always the candidate with the best resume that wins.
2. Choosing the Right VP Counts Having the right VP will give the candidate access to crucial votes, or it can turn voters away from them if it’s a bad choice.
3. Anti-campaigns vs. Pro-campaigns People do not vote for Anti Campaigns as it only states what the candidate is against, it fails to give insight on what the candidate is for.
4. Economy The economy is doing well, so it’s hard to argue against it. But in the event the economy shifts it is important to have a strategy in place so that the candidate has speaking points on it.
5. Focus on Areas of Weakness Going against someone’s weakness is a lot better than trying to go against their strengths.
6. Likability The match up between candidates is important, it’s not always the candidate with the best resume that wins.
7. Debate Approach The candidate needs to have their own specific debate approach. If they start trying to mirror others style and approach will lead them to lose as they wouldn’t have any authenticity.
8. Strong Social Media Team It’s important to have good social media teams. Thing happen so fast today that the candidates need to post things instantly once they gain traction so they can go viral. Views do in many ways lead to votes
9. Work Ethic The more rallies a candidate takes part in, the more hands they shake, the more votes they get.
10. Media If either side seems like they have the upper hand people stop going out to the poles and voting. The presidential candidates are usually the underdogs.
What are your thoughts? Text 310.340.1132 to hear from PBD.
Who Can Beat Trump In 2020 Election? Patrick Bet-David shares 10 pints on what it’s gonna take to win. Subscribe for weekly content. http://bit.ly/2aPEwD4
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