Who Should You Trust in Business?

Almost everyone I know that’s dated people in the past has at some point had someone cheat on them. They lied to them, and it hurt them. The reason that typically happens is that when we first start dating, we’re excited and naïve. That’s when we get cheated on. Now, this doesn’t mean people will never lie to us again, but we create a mechanism to create filters.

If there’s a video that I want you to watch more than once, it’s this one. Let me tell you why. In the world of business, if you’re not careful, and you go into it thinking it’s going to be beautiful and all exciting, someone’s going to cheat on you, lie to you, take advantage of you, put you out of business, and take your money. 

There’s a famous quote that says “When a man with money meets a man with experience, the man with the experience leaves with the money. The man with the money leaves with the experience.” You do not want to be the man with the money that leaves with the experience because you lost all the money. You want the experience and the money, so no one can take advantage of you.

So the purpose of the video is to help you know who you should trust in business. I’m going to cover a couple of different things. First, I’ll cover the four levels of trust in business, and two, I’ll cover seven different lies people tell. We’ll break it down so when you go into business, you’ll know exactly what’s going on, and who you should trust in business.

4 Levels of Trust and Who You Should Trust in Business

So who do you trust in business? Should you trust everybody? There are four levels of trust in business.

#1: Zero Trust – 1:40

From the lowest level to the highest level, what is the lowest level? You’ve never done business with this person. They don’t have a track record. You don’t know them. They’re a stranger. It’s an absolute zero trust.

#2: Track Record – 1:55

Next is the person that comes with a resume. Maybe they’ve done well in the past before. Maybe somebody recommended them to you, and they’ve got a nice resume. So your trust level for performance goes a little bit higher because they’ve got a track record.

#3: Trust – 2:11

Next, you trust this person. Now you don’t trust them at the highest level, but you trust this person because you’ve done some business with them in the past before and you know their level of performance. So maybe they’re not somebody that you trust with everything, but you know they’re going to go out there and they’re going to perform. It could be a teammate that you know you can count on to perform.

#4: Running Mate – 2:35

Then there’s the highest level. This I call a running mate. A running MATE. Generally, it’s only one person. It’s the person that can call you and say, “We have an opportunity. I need you to wire $300,000” and you do it, no problem. But there are only one or at the most two or three people like this, but generally only one.

By the way, if you’re reading this and say, “I don’t have somebody at that level right now,” that’s totally okay. It took me a long time to find somebody at that level. You aren’t going to find somebody at this level overnight. It’s like trying to force someone to marry you. If you do that, you end up divorced. This kind of needs to happen because you need to get some people that hurt you a little bit. You need to go through some black eyes. You need to get into some brawls with people with experience. That needs to happen to you because that’s the only way your skin’s going to get thicker.

And by the way, the more successful people you meet, the higher success they reach, they trust less. Motivational books out there tell you that trust is what it’s all about. But those people are lower level authors who haven’t run businesses. They’re consultants. I’m talking people who run businesses who are in the game. They get hammered behind closed doors. So their trust goes down, and they trust fewer people. You need to get to that level as well.

By the way, we created a PDF to go with this video that you can use to put people into the different categories. Fill out the form below to get your free PDF.

7 Types of Lies

So that’s the trust part. Now let me get into the second part, the seven types of lies. All of us, including you and me, tell lies. But what types of lies do we tell? Here are the seven types of lies.

#1: White Lies – 5:06

First are white lies. What’s a white lie? It’s when your wife asks, “Babe, how do I look tonight?” She looks like she’s gained 20 pounds, but you say, “Babe, you look amazing!” You’re lying. That’s a white lie. Or your kids says, “Hey Dad, how was my baseball swing?” You respond, “Buddy, you’re going to be the next big major league baseball player!” And the swing was terrible. You’re a liar. It’s a white lie. We say that at times to make other people we care about feel good about themselves.

#2: Plagiarism – 5:39

Next is plagiarism. I’ve worked with people who never ever, ever, ever want to give credit for ideas to other people. I worked with a lady in the past before who always took credit for all the ideas. Plagiarism is somebody who got the idea from somewhere else but never wants to tell anybody else about it. You’ll hear some people on social media and on YouTube that say things like, “I don’t read any books. All this stuff is natural. It just came to me.” Really? Someone passed that information on to you. But there are some people who don’t want to give credit because it’s all about them. I have a problem with that. Give people credit.

#3: Exaggeration – 6:31

Next is exaggeration. Sales people do this all the time. They say things like, “Hey, we’re going to go out there and do this.” They’re exaggerating. Now, why is that? There’s a part of it that’s because sales people are very optimistic that they’re going to kill it. I’ve been in sales all my life and you always think you’re going to make more money this year than you do. And typically it ends up taking a lot longer to build a business so, exaggeration is another form of lying.

#4: Compulsive – 7:05

Next are compulsive liars. Man, you have to be careful with compulsive liars. By the way, it’s not hard to catch compulsive liars. They’re so good at lying they think they’ll never get caught, but eventually, they get caught. And once they get caught, their credit score goes from high to low. And if they don’t show any effort to improve, that’s just the way they are. By the way, you’re not judging, you just need to know that’s exactly who this person is and what they’re doing.

#6: Not Keeping Your Word – 8:02

Next are people who don’t keep their word. They say, “Hey, I’m going to. . . ” and they don’t do it. They say they’re going to hit a deadline, and they don’t.

I have a lot of friends that I can’t count on to come through for anything. I can still be friends with them, but I just know they won’t come through for anything because they never keep their word. That’s a lie.

#7: Deceivers – 8:48

And last but not least is the deceiver. Do you know what the deceiver is? A deceiver is a person that has 80 pieces of information, but only tells you the two or three pieces that benefit them. And by the way, I do business with deceivers, but I know they’re deceivers. I also know the role they’re going to play. I still figure out a way to make money with them, as long as I know they’re deceivers. And you need to know that as well.

By the way, this video isn’t about you going out there and saying, “People are bad! They suck.” No, no, no, no, no. Listen in here to understand what this video is really all about.

Who You Should Trust in Business

So now you should know the formula for who you should trust in business. I promised you a PDF to go with this video and article.  The exercise on the PDF can literally save you millions of dollars in the long run. Whether you’re a new or experienced entrepreneur, knowing who to trust when making decisions and how to spot the different kinds of liars are vital skills to learn. Be sure to fill out the form below to get the PDF.


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