Written By: Dave Logan
Top Review by Kim Eatmon and Curtis Eatmon III
Tribal Leadership Review by C3 and Kim Eatmon As I reflect on my experience in groups and the interactions I have observed and participated in, I can give myself a more concise evaluation of the different stages of tribal grouping after reading this book. Interestingly enough as I reflect on my association with sport teams as a youth; the military as a young adult, and my years in the corporate world of aerospace, I can in hindsight understand what attributes contributed to team performance success and failures. Now it is the application of this understanding that will enhance my tribal association performance. The 5 Stages of tribal characteristics are explained in such a manner that the reader knows that you are not even in the game of valued performance until stage four, with the hope ;of getting to stage five with a crusade that will capture the heart and soul of the participants. The identification of cliques to team-players is clearly presented in the various stages. For a tribe to transition to the highest level takes world class thinking, inspiration, and commitment bigger than an individual but clearly something of historical impact to current and future generations.
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