Top 10 Common Criticisms of Entrepreneurs

Top 10 Common Criticisms of Entrepreneurs-

There are 4 main reasons that cause people to give up. World renown UFC fighter Ronda Rousey and her devastating loss to Holly Holm however, teaches us one of the most powerful lessons regarding giving up. In this episode, Patrick shares the lesson and some of the most common criticisms that entrepreneurs get and how to react to each one of them.

10 criticism of being an entrepreneur

  1. You’re greedy: All you care about is Money
  2. You work too hard
  3. You’ve changed
  4. You don’t have a balanced life
  5. You’re too cocky
  6. You have an obsessive personality
    1. While most are obsessed with TV shows, Entrepreneurs are obsessed with creating.
  7. You’re unrealistic
  8. You’re risky, reckless
  9. You’re not happy
    1. Big difference between contentment and happiness.
  10. You’re too competitive
    1. This one is very interesting to me. The same people that criticse entrepreneurs for being too competitive are the same ones that know all the stats about sports.

Recommended: 10 Reasons to Never Give Up

Previous episode: The One Thing to Teach Your Kids


Patrick Bet-David
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