14 shocking stats about millennials

14 shocking stats about millennials


1. Roughly 10,000 Millennials turn 21 everyday in America. [TIME] The Millennials are the largest generation on our planet.

Just like the Boomers changed the way the world did everything, Millennials are changing the way we live and the way we think.

2.  By 2018, Millennials will have the most spending power of any generation. [Bazaar]

3.  48% of Millennials who say word-of-mouth influences their product purchases more than TV ads. Only 17% said a TV ad promoted them to buy. [Intrepid] This is obviously due to social media.

4.   63% stay updated on brands through social networks. [Ipsos]

5.  Millennials are the most educated generation in American history with over 63% of Millennials having a Bachelor’s Degree. [Millennial Branding] This could be a good or a bad. This may not be a bad area to rebel, drop out and become an entrepreneur.

6.  50% of Millennial college students say they don’t need a physical classroom.

39% view the future of education as being more virtual. [Millennial Branding] Can you imagine a future world without any physical workplace?

8. 90% of Millennials surveyed think being an entrepreneur means having a certain mindset rather than starting a company. [Odesk] Here’s a video on 12 keys to be taken serious as a young entrepreneur.  

9. 54% either want to start a business or already have started one. [Kauffman Foundation]

10. By 2025, 3 out of every 4 workers globally will be Millennials. [Time] There are roughly 40 million Millennials in the workplace today.

11. 45% of Millennials will choose workplace flexibility over pay. [Millennial Branding]

12. 56% of Millennials won’t accept jobs from companies that ban social media. [Cisco]

13. It costs an average of $24,000 to replace each Millennial employee. [Microsoft / Experience Inc]

14.  63.3% of U.S. executives will be eligible to retire in the next 5 years. [PWC] The opportunity for millennials are endless.

MILLENNIALS will change the world in a way NO OTHER GENERATION ever has.



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