For centuries, mankind has been taught to love one another. That influence usually comes from a pastor, parent, teacher, or the media. Love is an important quality to encourage in our family and society, one we should foster in our lives.
But is love really the most important thing in life? Is it possible that there could be a quality more important than love—a quality that, when lacking, makes it very difficult to love?
In order for this to make sense, we must first define the word “love.” The best definition I have of “love” relates to it as a verb. We show our love through our actions. Think about the things you love for a moment. Now remind yourself of how you show your love. Is it just by saying “I love you”? Or is there an action behind it that validates your love?
I know many people who love things but can’t practice or show their love. I know parents who love their children, but they can’t show their love because they can’t afford to leave their country to come visit them. It’s hard for them to show love from 5,000 miles away. I have a few relatives and friends who haven’t seen their kids in over ten years because they’re not allowed to leave their country in the Middle East.
How about someone who loves writing about politics or sharing his opinion about things, but he can’t because if he does he might get arrested?
Or how about the person who loves golf but can’t afford to play due to financial difficulties? There are those who love to travel and see the world but can’t due to lack of finances. There are those who love education but can’t afford to go to the university they want to attend. There are kids who are passionate about sports but can’t play on the high school team because they’re forced to work from an early age in order to help out the family.
There are people who love reading but are not allowed to read certain books that the government in their country doesn’t allow.
There are those who love business or entrepreneurship, but they are limited to how big they can build their business due to regulations and high taxes.
What quality allows us to show our love? It’s the same quality that allows us to go to sleep at night with comfort—or, conversely, it can keep us up all night with discomfort. It’s the quality that mankind has been fighting for since day one. We yearn for this. We’re capable of doing almost anything for this quality, even in some cases putting our lives on the line.
So many times, I feel like we’ve become so disconnected from how life was before all of our modern technology and media. The speed of life has been increased dramatically because of every distraction we face on a daily basis, so much so that we rarely take the time to ask the tough questions. Most of our opinions have been created by the media, as we are in too much of a hurry to disconnect from technology and consider life’s questions for ourselves. We are too busy to stop and think about how different our lives could be if we in this country lacked the quality more important than love.
You might be asking what quality I believe is more important than love. Unfortunately, I’m on a flight, and the flight attendant just asked me to turn off all my electronics. Feel free to tweet me @patrickbetdavid, and I’ll send you a private message with my answer. Also feel free to share your thoughts about what you think that quality is.