How To Get A Hold of Anyone
You’ve got a product or service that you’re trying to sell; your biggest obstacle will always be getting that product in front of the decision maker, this requires getting past the gate keepers. Most of the time the product or service gets declined by one of the gatekeeper’s before it gets to the decision maker. The real challenge is getting past the gatekeepers, and that is what this article is going to explore.
1. 7 Approach or contact philosophy
When trying to get someone’s attention you need to make sure that you are trying to get a hold of them in multiple ways. Send them an email, tweet at them, DM them, call them, send messages on all the social platforms they are actively using. However, more importantly, find out where they are most active and reach out there the most. This way your odds of getting a hold of them will be higher.
2. Find 5 people they respect (& win them over)
If you still have trouble getting a hold of the person, reach out to 5 people they respect and win them over. If done properly these people will help you get a hold of the initial person, you will experience added credibility.
3. Show up in person
The internet is a good place to meeting and getting in touch with people, but you always need to show up in person to make a real connection. So always show up in person as much as possible.
4. Have someone who knows you & them send a note
Having a mutual friend or acquaintance reach out on your behalf will give you a tremendous amount of credibility and this can really speed up the process.
5. Win the layers of protectors
The more powerful people are, generally the more layers of gatekeepers they have. This means there will be more layers of protectors you need to go through. If you’re trying to get access to the decision you want to make sure you’ve got the gatekeeper on your side.
6. Study their world
When trying to get a hold of anyone you want to show that you’ve done proper research. Mentioning things about their business, family, achievements or life events shows you’ve done your research and wouldn’t waste their time.
7. Make a personal video for them
This is a good way to make sure you stand out compared to everyone else trying to get a hold of the person. When reaching out you always want to make sure that the odds are in your favor, the more you stand out in a good way, the more you increase your odds.
Having said this, you can do everything mentioned in this article correctly and it still wouldn’t work unless you follow up. Following up takes discipline and that is where most people miss out on big opportunities.
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Founded in 2012 by Patrick Bet-David, our goal is to impact entrepreneurs around the world through value and entertainment. We are the #1 channel for entrepreneurs because of the best interviews, best how to videos, best case studies and because we defend capitalism and educate entrepreneurs.
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