I was contacted by Fortune Magazine and Business Insider this week on my opinion about the importance of staying in school and getting a degree. They were both surprised to hear my response on how I feel about school. I have very strong feelings about this subject and I think it’s time for us to revisit and challenge our current educational system.
I was asked to not produce a video about my feelings regarding dropping out and getting schooled until they both were to publish their articles this week. I’ll make sure to share it with you when the article comes out this week.
Meanwhile, I wanted to ask you of your opinion regarding college.
Drop out of college or stay in school? In your answer, please let me know if you’re a college graduate or a drop out before sharing your thoughts. I may use some of your answers in the video I’ll be producing soon. I’m looking for real arguments for both sides.
Please tag your friends and family to share their thoughts here as well. Specially the ones who have strong opinions about this matter.
Comment below.