Money makes you more of what you already are. One of the biggest challenges of those who become wealthy is they lose touch with where they were when they had nothing. It seems Trump has completely forgotten that. Here’s a man who’s built a massive net worth, a New York time best selling author, an award winning reality TV show, a Miss USA pageant that’s grown over the years but he’s forgotten how to do one thing, and that’s how to speak to the majority. When all you do is shake hands with celebrities and other billionaires, you lose connection with the single mother who’s raising 3 kids on her own. You lose connection with the immigrant who came here for the American Dream, not for the government benefits.
So why is he running for POTUS? There are some that say he’s really running because he wants to America great again while the majority say it’s only a publicity stunt. If he’s running to get publicity he’s failed miserably. He lost Univision, NBC, and Macy’s in a matter of a week. This doesn’t mean he’s going to lose all his wealth but he did take a hit. I still think he’s got a brilliant mind but it may be time for him to reread “How to Win Friends and Influence People” again.
He said in his opening speech; “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best; they’re not sending you, They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” Wait a minute, and he closes with “and SOME, I ASSUME, are good people.” This has to be by far the worst opening statements made by someone running for POTUS during my lifetime. And what’s interesting is that if you own any of Trumps suits or ties, you’ll notice it say “Made in Mexico”. If you look closely in this picture you’ll notice the Made in Mexico tag.
I run a firm where nearly 50% of our agents are Hispanic, with a majority part being from Mexico. To say they’re some of the hardest working agents we have in the company would be an understatement. I believe the only challenge with any immigrant that comes to America is thinking big. As an immigrant myself who escaped Iran to come to America, the intentions were simply to be free. We didn’t think big. All we wanted was an opportunity and I think that goes for all immigrants including Mexicans.
We all leave a place to come to America because we didn’t have certain freedoms and climate that America has to offer. But we come as small thinkers and one hopefully one day start thinking big. But we certainly don’t come here as criminals. A criminal can find ways to make money in any country. Matter of a fact, a criminal can probably has a better opportunity to make more money in other countries than in America due to less strict laws.
The good news is the market is filled with many candidates for Presidency to choose from. We’ll have to wait and see who gains momentum in 2016.
All in all, Mr. Donald Trump, I think you just fired yourself for the Presidency job. Here are my 2 suggestions:
1. Pick up the book “How to Win Friends and Influence People”.
2. Study Warren Buffet on his dealings with people