What it Costs to Run a Restaurant by Celebrity Chef Curtis Stone

What it Costs to Run a Restaurant by Celebrity Chef Curtis Stone

Celebrity Chef Curtis Stone talks with Patrick Bet-David about all the craziness that goes into running a world class restaurant, all the small details that matter and how to create a successful team culture.

Check out Curtis’s latest projects:

Top Chef Junior: http://bit.ly/2GD3hTs

Dura-Pan: http://bit.ly/2GhTAdt

More about Curtis Stone in his words:

My mum and granny taught me everything I know about food and cooking. My mum, Lozza, is a great cook, in particular a phenomenal baker, and I would watch her every move while she baked. I am very partial to her corn and bacon muffins so she makes these for me whenever I visit. I still call on her regularly for advice when I’m developing recipes – thanks Lozza!

I was 4 years old, just a little tucker, when I had my first, truly memorable food experience. I tried my granny’s Yorkshire fudge and it was one of the first really sweet things that I’d tasted. I just couldn’t get enough of it. Whenever I went to granny’s place, from that first taste forward, we’d get busy in the kitchen and make fudge together. It was our thing.

It was also around this ripe age of 4 that I tried my hand at cooking. I love to eat. I’ve always been a greedy little monster who can’t get enough food. Learning how to cook was sort of an extension of always wanting to eat. My best mate’s dad was a chef. He sort of lived this rock star lifestyle: He’d come in late from work and he had long hair and tattoos and he didn’t conform to my dad’s social circle where they all wore suits. I wanted what he had…

About Valuetainment:

Founded in 2012 by Patrick Bet-David, our goal is to impact entrepreneurs around the world through value and entertainment. We are the #1 channel for entrepreneurs because of the best interviews, best how to videos, best case studies and because we defend capitalism and educate entrepreneurs.

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