Here’s a list of 20 things that I have learned in life and would like to share with the rest of humanity:
- Spend money on experiences instead of things.
- Having fun in life is unarguably important in life, so pull pranks on people you love. But remember, every time you pull a prank on someone, you should expect one in return.
- Learn the difference between knowing when it’s appropriate to laugh at yourself and when it’s time to take yourself seriously.
- Avoid cigarettes – kids don’t like the smell.
- Write a book. To start, create 3 folders (on your computer, filing cabinet, etc) consisting of personal stories, lessons, and favorite quotes and eventually you can turn this into a book about your life.
- Enjoy every moment of life – we’re only here for a blink of an eye. (You’re officially 75 seconds older than you were when you first started reading this list.)
- Hearing the comment, “You’ve changed” is a compliment as long as you continually improve yourself.
- Remember that life is harder on you than any one person will ever be. It has no sorrow or patience for tough times.
- Understand that God puts a Goliath in your life to bring out the David within you.
- Eat caviar every once in a while. Especially the kind from the Caspian Sea.
- Seek clarity. Don’t compromise your core beliefs because clarity comes from doing what you believe in.
- Everyone enjoys rebelling every once in a while. Just be sure you are being a rebel with a cause instead of a rebel without a cause.
- Don’t compare yourself to anyone else. Compete against your own personal prior best.
- Add your own signature to the world and do not “keep up with the Joneses” – ignore those Joneses!
- The 3 hardest things to find in life are: a life-long spouse, a life-long friend, and a life-long passion. When you do find them, do whatever you can to keep them.
- Keep it old school by writing personal letters to people instead of using text or social media.
- When you read a good book, send it to 10 people you know who could benefit from it.
- If you think you’re lazy at times it’s because your life is boring. Instead of getting upset about it, find a cause to fight for that’ll bring the best out of you. Napoleon once said: “A lack of energy comes when we have taken on less that we are capable of.”
- Learn to take time-outs in life.
- Trust in a higher law that is always with you.