Patrick Bet-David isn’t going to let you go into 2019 with the same perspectives that you have been holding on to for years. He has identified 10 things for you to unlearn in 2019 and by doing so you will take your career, your business, and your life to the next level.
10 Things to Unlearn in 2019
Six Degrees of Separation
- For years you have heard the saying that you are just six degrees from the President, or Michael Jordan, or Elon Musk. That isn’t true anymore. You are more like two degrees away from anyone. You can get in contact with anyone you want because of all the forms of digital communication available. You need to unlearn this limiting belief you need to go through all these channels to get to who you want to speak to at the top. You can reach out to anyone in 2019.
Being a Celebrity
- Celebrity no longer a big deal like it was in the 80s and 90s. Back then there was no YouTube star or social media influencer. The world can know who you are without having to star in a blockbuster movie. The word celebrity is being replaced with influence. But remember, influence alone doesn’t mean anything. It’s the right kind of influence that makes the difference. Being a positive influencer can get you much further than being a celebrity.
The Meaning of Money
- If there is one thing to learn in 2019 is how money works and your relationship to it. It is a tool that you need to put to work and lead or else it will push you around and use you. Money loves to be lead. You need to unlearn the idea that you need to always chase Money. If you don’t put money to work, it will go out there and find someone who will put it to work.
Political Beliefs
- Don’t let any of the media outlets emotionally confuse you in 2019. When hearing different points of view, listen for the logic and the emotion. Don’t be swayed by just one in 2019. The political games are only going to get worse as 2019 and 2020 unfold. Check your blind spots and be open to hearing the whole story.
Meaning of Friendship
- Just because you partied hard with someone, doesn’t make them your best friend. Friends support you and back you up as you try to build your vision. When you set out as an entrepreneur, you will see who your real friends are. In 2019 you need to unlearn this idea that just because you spend a lot of time with someone having fun, it doesn’t mean they will stick around when you need them the most. Find those people that raise your principles and values in 2019.
Having a Family Doesn’t Necessarily Mean They Will Support You
- 2019 is the best time to unlearn the myth that your parents are going to support your dreams. It is your job to make them know and see if your dreams are real or not. If you do make your dreams a reality, your family will be proud and impressed. There are countless examples of people in the business world who made it without their family’s support. Now that they achieved success their family is behind them. Your family will respect your choices more if they see you committed to your dreams despite what even they think.
Social Media
- You need to acknowledge that social media isn’t just all good or all bad. It is complicated and an important tool for you to master in 2019. Understand the risks like being hacked, getting bullied, or posting inappropriate things that become permanent. But you also need to understand the benefits it offers connecting you to the people in your life, business associates, or customers. Don’t go into 2019 holding on to your black and white view on social media.
Resume 2019
- Your resume in 2019 should not just be your work history on a boring piece of paper. Expanding what you present to future employers or business partners will make you stand out from the crowd. So if you have traveled the world, let them know because it shows you know different cultures. Show off contacts that will impress them as well as who your followers are that you have influence over. Let them know how great of shape you are in so they know how much stamina and longevity you have. You need to unlearn all the basic resume writing techniques you learned at the career center in college. Show the whole you in 2019.
What it Really Takes to be a Millionaire
- It’s no longer a big deal. It is the easiest time to be a millionaire. However, there is also more criticism out there than ever before about being a millionaire. You have to be disciplined, but you can do it. Stop thinking that this is some far-off goal that only some people can achieve.
The Meaning of LOVE
- It doesn’t matter what you think the definition of Love is, you have to show it to the person that you love. Love is an action. A lot of people say they love you but you don’t see it in action. In 2019, you need to figure out who will show you Love and who will only just tell you that they love you. It is easy to just say I love you.
Next Steps: For more advice about what you should be doing in 2019 go watch 20 Rules of Money and How to Double Your Money. Don’t forget to tweet @patrickbetdavid and tell him what you want to unlearn in 2019.
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