Personal Identity Audit

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Can you imagine living a life without ever knowing your full potential? Unfortunately that’s what the majority’s life looks like. They live a life without ever finding out the “Unknown.” The “Unknown” is a byproduct of experiencing a breakthrough. Every high achiever I’ve ever met in my life has shared with me an experience of having a breakthrough. All the celebrities, leaders, athletes that you admire didn’t get there by pure luck. There was a moment of epiphany where they go through being extremely brutal with themselves. It’s a private time with no one else where they face their vice, their fears, their deep limiting beliefs that have been stored in their hearts and minds that have been holding them back.  The challenge is very few are willing to take a time out in life on the weekend to experience a breakthrough. Life is going faster today than ever before with social media. Think about how many different apps we have to check on our smart phones that we didn’t worry about 10 years ago. How often do we check instagram, facebook, twitter, youtube, snapchat, text, email, linkedin, espn and the list goes on. These 83 questions completely changed my life in August of 2003. It took me from being an average person to realizing what my potential in life was. I’ve shared it thousands of people over the years and with all the demand I finally decided to make it public for others to experience the same. The key with this excercize is to take it extremely serious. It isn’t something to finish fast or to score a perfect score. The idea is to have a breakthrough. The more emotional it is for you the more the likely hood of it creating a breakthrough. Once you go through the questionnaire you will want to invite others to go through the same experience you had. There’s nothing like having a breakthrough in life and inviting others to do the same. Be sure to read the instruction before going through the questions.

Read this before starting the exercise:

  • This questionnaire will need an hour of your undivided attention in order to experience the maximum results for a self discovery.
  • Turn off your phone, find a private place and answer the questions without distractions.
  • Play soothing music while going through the questions (unless it distracts you). Listening to Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven tends to stimulate the mind while going through the questionnaire.
  • Take time at the end of each group of questions to answer the reflections.
  • Take your time and don’t rush, there is no time clock.


“At the center of your being, you have the answer; you know who you are

and you know what you want.” Lao Tzu

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” Aristotle

“And you? When will you begin that long journey into yourself?” Rumi

“When I discover who I am, I’ll be free.” – Ralph Ellison

“There are three things extremely hard: steel, a diamond, and to know one’s self.”  – Benjamin Franklin



Get ready to experience a breakthrough in your life.

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Patrick Bet-David
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