JFK Assassination: The Truth Told by Secret Service Agent Clint Hill

Order A copy of Five Presidents http://amzn.to/2mpDpzK by Clint Hill with Lisa McCubbin. This is an exclusive interview with Clint Hill, the main Secret Service Agent for Jacqueline Kennedy. In this interview, PBD asks some controversial questions and we are guided through some behind the scene events in U.S history while Clint recollects his service with Five U.S Presidents.

Other books:

– Mrs. Kennedy and Me http://amzn.to/2m8aoGt

– Five Days in November http://amzn.to/2n2lT1D

About Mr. Hill: Clinton J. “Clint” Hill is a former United States Secret Service agent who was in the presidential motorcade during the assassination of John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas.

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